the new year

this year be weirder. find your weirdness and cherish it. nurture it. be thankful for it. if you think you’re taking a chance creatively, push it one step further. love harder, even when it’s the bigger thing to do. laugh harder, especially with those you love to laugh with. 

don’t worry about those on a journey that doesn’t inspire you. it’s not for you and that’s okay. hang out with friends more. support their work and ask them how they’re doing. remix music you love, for no reason other than you love it. don’t let someone with a cheap seat have an expensive opinion in your life. don’t take yourself too seriously… but take your work seriously. 

really think about what you love in the art that inspires you and do your best to channel that back into the art you make. remember that little steps are the only way to big moves. a small bit every day goes a long way. be patient with your life. be patient with growth. create moments of patience in the things you make. confidence moves at a pace others are intrigued by. remember that. breathe. repeat. create.

happy new year.



feel the rhythm


the disconnect